LycaenaWithAnA: Is this real or am I dreaming?
LycaenaWithAnA: Wild beauty
LycaenaWithAnA: Apple blossom macro
LycaenaWithAnA: Gewöhnlicher Erdrauch // Fumaria officinalis // Common fumitory
LycaenaWithAnA: All about eyes
LycaenaWithAnA: Lonely beauty
LycaenaWithAnA: Garden tree-mallow // Thüringer Strauchpappel // Lavatera thuringiaca
LycaenaWithAnA: Wood anemone // Anemone nemorosa // Buschwindröschen
LycaenaWithAnA: Eternal moment
LycaenaWithAnA: Thistleverse // Distelversum
LycaenaWithAnA: Chrysanthemum // Chrysantheme close-up
LycaenaWithAnA: Flowers at the pond, close-up
LycaenaWithAnA: Purple yarrow // Lila Schafgarbe
LycaenaWithAnA: Violet dreams
LycaenaWithAnA: Daydreaming
LycaenaWithAnA: red and white clover // Rotweißer Klee
LycaenaWithAnA: Memories
LycaenaWithAnA: Bush vetch // Zaunwicke // Vicia sepium
LycaenaWithAnA: Aster // Pyrenäen-Aster // Asteraceae
LycaenaWithAnA: As time goes by
LycaenaWithAnA: Common chicory with hoverfly // Wegwarte mit Schwebfliege // Cichorium intybus with Sphaerophoria species
LycaenaWithAnA: Wild flowers & bokeh #2
LycaenaWithAnA: Daisy // Margerite
LycaenaWithAnA: Anemone kingdom
LycaenaWithAnA: Yellow blossom // gelbe Blüte
LycaenaWithAnA: Cuckoo flower // Wiesen-Schaumkraut // Cardamine pratensis
LycaenaWithAnA: A study in orange
LycaenaWithAnA: Remember
LycaenaWithAnA: Mirid bug on coneflower // Rote Weichwanze auf Sonnenhut
LycaenaWithAnA: Am I still beautiful?