LycaenaWithAnA: Distel-Wollbiene // Anthidium nanum
LycaenaWithAnA: All about eyes
LycaenaWithAnA: Walk with me
LycaenaWithAnA: Biene Maja und ihre wilde Schwester / Maya the Bee and her wild sister
LycaenaWithAnA: Oblong woolcarder bee // Spalten-Wollbiene // Anthidium oblongatum
LycaenaWithAnA: Ackerhummel // Bombus pascuorum // Common carder bee
LycaenaWithAnA: Golden furrow bee // Halictus subauratus // Goldglänzende Furchenbiene
LycaenaWithAnA: Andrena viridescens // Ehrenpreis-Sandbiene // Viridescent mining bee
LycaenaWithAnA: Hummel // Bumblebee // Bombus sp.
LycaenaWithAnA: Langhorn-Biene // Eucera species // Long-horned bee
LycaenaWithAnA: Leaf-cutting cuckoo bee // Kegelbiene // Coelioxys sp.
LycaenaWithAnA: Black masked bee // Rainfarn-Maskenbiene // Hylaeus nigritus
LycaenaWithAnA: Blauschwarze Holzbiene / Xylocopa violacea / violet carpenter bee
LycaenaWithAnA: Ivy bee // Efeu-Seidenbiene // Colletes hederae
LycaenaWithAnA: Blauschwarze Holzbiene / Xylocopa violacea / violet carpenter bee
LycaenaWithAnA: Andrena haemorrhoa // Rotfransige Sandbiene
LycaenaWithAnA: Blood bee // Blutbiene // Sphecodes sp.
LycaenaWithAnA: Portrait of a European wool carder bee
LycaenaWithAnA: Mining bee // Rotfransige Sandbiene // Andrena haemorrhoa
LycaenaWithAnA: Anthophora plumpipes // Frühlings-Pelzbiene // Hairy-footed flower bee
LycaenaWithAnA: Honigbiene // honeybee
LycaenaWithAnA: Lehmwespe // Ancistrocerus nigricorni
LycaenaWithAnA: Andrena florea // Bryony mining bee // Zaunrüben-Sandbiene
LycaenaWithAnA: Last flower visitor
LycaenaWithAnA: Choke me in the shallow water
LycaenaWithAnA: Hawkweed and hoverfly
LycaenaWithAnA: Osmia aurulenta
LycaenaWithAnA: Dig in!
LycaenaWithAnA: Wildbiene auf Apfelblüten / Osmia cornuta / European orchard bee
LycaenaWithAnA: European wool carder bee // Garten-Wollbiene // Anthidium manicatum