LXG_Photos: Jam Session #2
LXG_Photos: Jam Session #3
LXG_Photos: Jam Session #1
LXG_Photos: "No Graffiti" Artiest
LXG_Photos: Niland Local
LXG_Photos: Tack Room Light #0
LXG_Photos: Reading on the Trolley
LXG_Photos: Young Cowboy
LXG_Photos: Music in the Park
LXG_Photos: A Man and His Horse
LXG_Photos: Good Morning
LXG_Photos: Cowboy and Kitten
LXG_Photos: Contemplation
LXG_Photos: Rodeo Cowboy
LXG_Photos: Morning Cowboy
LXG_Photos: The Look
LXG_Photos: Guitar Player in a Sawmill
LXG_Photos: Happy Man
LXG_Photos: Ready
LXG_Photos: Cowboy
LXG_Photos: At the Plazza
LXG_Photos: Traveling Companions