The Lutheran World Federation: 00 Welcome to LWF Hannover Assembly 1952
The Lutheran World Federation: 01 Hannover preparatory committee
The Lutheran World Federation: 02 Preparatory committee
The Lutheran World Federation: 03 Documentation centre with roneo photocopier (middle)
The Lutheran World Federation: 04 Staff preparing pidgeon holes and documentation
The Lutheran World Federation: 05 Hannover Assembly typing pool
The Lutheran World Federation: 06 Documentation Centre
The Lutheran World Federation: 07 Hannover Assembly rapporteurs
The Lutheran World Federation: 09 Staff film crew
The Lutheran World Federation: 12 Youth exhibition
The Lutheran World Federation: 13 Hannover Assembly youth gathering
The Lutheran World Federation: 14 Youth choir in Hannover
The Lutheran World Federation: 15 Choir at Hannover Assembly
The Lutheran World Federation: 16 Choir at Hannover Assembly
The Lutheran World Federation: 16 Music at the Assembly
The Lutheran World Federation: 17 Exhibition at the Hannover Assembly
The Lutheran World Federation: 18 Luther film Mr Niall Mac Ginnes who played the role of Luther with pastor Carl Mau (left) and Mr Mace of the Louis de Rochemont film company
The Lutheran World Federation: 19 Indian delegation to the Second LWF Assembly during Opening Service procession
The Lutheran World Federation: 20 German delegation Dr Erich Eichele, prelat of the Wurttemberg Church, Dr Martin Haug, Bishop of the Wurttemberg Church
The Lutheran World Federation: 21 American delegation Dr Franklin Clark Fry (left) LWF vice president
The Lutheran World Federation: 22 Islandic delegation
The Lutheran World Federation: 23 Polish delegation
The Lutheran World Federation: 24 Oberkirchenrat Bezzel, Bishop Hans Meiser and Oberkirchenrat H. Riedel
The Lutheran World Federation: 25 Various delegations
The Lutheran World Federation: 26 Worship at Hanover LWF Assembly
The Lutheran World Federation: 27 Memorial service for the victims of war in all the world, held by the ruins of thte Aegidienkirche
The Lutheran World Federation: 28 Carl Lund-Qvist, LWF Executive Secretary (middle)