The Lutheran World Federation: 00 LWF 7th Assembly Budapest
The Lutheran World Federation: 01 LWF Seventh Assembly, Plenary hall, 1984
The Lutheran World Federation: 03 Assembly_Budapest_S_Africa
The Lutheran World Federation: 04 LWF 7th Assembly Budapest Kameeta
The Lutheran World Federation: Open hearing on Southern Africa. T. Simon Farisani speaking.
The Lutheran World Federation: 05 The Rev. Christoph Brandt, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, Cape Church
The Lutheran World Federation: 06 Budapest Assembly voting in plenary
The Lutheran World Federation: 07 Plenary hall, counting of votes Budapest Assembly
The Lutheran World Federation: 08 Worship at Budapest Assembly, 1984
The Lutheran World Federation: 09 Eucharist at Budapest, 1984
The Lutheran World Federation: 10 Budapest Assembly Youth
The Lutheran World Federation: 11 Youth on the stage at Budapest Assembly
The Lutheran World Federation: 12 Women on the stage at Seventh Assembly_Budapest_84
The Lutheran World Federation: 13 Assembly women youth
The Lutheran World Federation: 14 Dr Gerhart Riegner_Budapest 1984_7th_Ass_
The Lutheran World Federation: 15 Rev. Dr. Zoltan Kaldy
The Lutheran World Federation: 16 The outgoing president Bishop Josiah Kibira (Tanzania) and the newly elected president Bishop Dr Zoltan Kaldy (Hungary)
The Lutheran World Federation: From left to right Dean T. Simon Farisana, Bishop Manas Buthelezi, Rev. Christoph Brandt, Rev. Willfried Blank, Rev. Zephania Kameeta LWF PHoto Peter Williams