lisa.lisa.: Rachel at 4
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother in third grade
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother in 8th grade
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother as a teenager
lisa.lisa.: Rachel, getting tan
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother with her sister
lisa.lisa.: the Jersey shore
lisa.lisa.: Rachel
lisa.lisa.: Rachel with her brother Roy
lisa.lisa.: Rachel with her in-laws, Harriet O. Albertson and Edwin Constant Albertson
lisa.lisa.: my mom's parents
lisa.lisa.: one of my favorites of my grandmother
lisa.lisa.: the 1930s
lisa.lisa.: rachel and edwin
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother in the 1930s
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother in the 1930s
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother + mother
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother, mother, and my Uncle Roy
lisa.lisa.: with my aunt or my uncle
lisa.lisa.: Rachel + Harriet
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother in the 1940s
lisa.lisa.: with Aunt Audrey and my mom
lisa.lisa.: my grandmother with my Aunt Audrey and my mom
lisa.lisa.: at christmas
lisa.lisa.: casual wedding
lisa.lisa.: my grandparents
lisa.lisa.: grandma in the 1960s
lisa.lisa.: at my parents' wedding
lisa.lisa.: in the back yard
lisa.lisa.: in the yard with Uncle Malcolm