Maciej Biłas: Looking for parishes
Maciej Biłas: Preparation centre
Maciej Biłas: Preparation centre
Maciej Biłas: Prayer in the city centre
Maciej Biłas: Prayer in the city centre
Maciej Biłas: Preparation centre at work
Maciej Biłas: Preparation centre
Maciej Biłas: Prayer with the Archbishop
Maciej Biłas: Prayer with the Archbishop
Maciej Biłas: Prayer with the Archbishop
Maciej Biłas: Meeting for the parish teams - prayer
Maciej Biłas: Meeting for the parish teams - prayer
Maciej Biłas: Meeting for the parish teams
Maciej Biłas: Meeting for the parish teams
Maciej Biłas: Meeting for the parish teams
Maciej Biłas: Meeting for the parish teams