SiliLili: Simon in front of Senor Sisig
SiliLili: tofu tacos and sisig nachos
SiliLili: Simon's tofu taco
SiliLili: big turnout for the butchery contest
SiliLili: Here come the reigning champions - the Yedra brothers from Marin Sun Farms
SiliLili: The team from Avedano's
SiliLili: Let the butchering begin!
SiliLili: 20100828-IMG_6302
SiliLili: Hard at work
SiliLili: Sunset at the festival
SiliLili: Food from Tru Gourmet Dim Sum
SiliLili: Corn dumpling from Tru Gourmet Dim Sum
SiliLili: Loved the Sui Mai Dumplings
SiliLili: Baked BBQ Pork Bun
SiliLili: Brianna and a sesame ball
SiliLili: Cactus Fries
SiliLili: Canopy