- luz -: Conrad in the back
- luz -: Conrad
- luz -: Blurred Bekah
- luz -: Navigating
- luz -: Itty bitty cups
- luz -: Bus sign
- luz -: Our goal
- luz -: "Are you sure this isn't where we're going?"
- luz -: Bekah and me
- luz -: Map-questing
- luz -: Copper Star Coffee sign
- luz -: IMG_1027.JPG
- luz -: Cupcakes
- luz -: Deliciousness
- luz -: Vintage Cash Register
- luz -: Copper Star Interior
- luz -: Ribbons
- luz -: IMG_1013.JPG
- luz -: Melrose building sign
- luz -: Bulldog
- luz -: Street dancer study
- luz -: Street dancer study
- luz -: Street dancer study
- luz -: Street dancer study
- luz -: Street dancer study
- luz -: Street dancer study
- luz -: Street dancer study
- luz -: Street dancer study
- luz -: Conrad & Jason
- luz -: Conrad & Jason