luxxiasews: I started a paper pieced Polaroid quilt tonight, because I'm determined to make 2015 the year of the UFO. Oh well.
luxxiasews: Yes yes yes
luxxiasews: A portrait of the artist as a middle aged woman :)
luxxiasews: I think this block would have been more effective using solids in the dress. 😕 Maybe I will redo it.
luxxiasews: A quick easy one for a balmy Saturday afternoon
luxxiasews: Hot Summer Sun by Quilt Art Designs
luxxiasews: Paperboat by Teaginny
luxxiasews: Colored pencils by Kristy @ Quiet Play
luxxiasews: Slow Coming Spring by Sewing Under Rainbow
luxxiasews: Rainbow by Schenley
luxxiasews: Woodpecker by Quilting Under Rainbow
luxxiasews: Hi, little guy!
luxxiasews: Summer Lanterns by Artisania
luxxiasews: Trying to decide on sashing color. I bought 3yd of black for this project, but now I'm leaning towards grey. Hmmm.
luxxiasews: Eh. I don't love this one, which is annoying for how long it took.
luxxiasews: This block is brought to you by the letter "J", because my Juki handles bulky seams like a champ. Also by the letter "Me" because I designed this one. Not perfect, but still pretty great.
luxxiasews: Picture of a quilt. The "binding" was trickier than you probably realize and it's a little wonky. But aren't they always?
luxxiasews: Rainbow Balloon by Gosia Pawlowska. This one was unexpectedly difficult.
luxxiasews: Easy Birdhouse by Quilt Art Design
luxxiasews: This is the first one that I think did not take well to being tinified. Help me decide if I should include it? Modern House 3 by Quilt Art Designs
luxxiasews: Under the Microscope by Borsedigaya. O. M. G. One. Block. To. Go.
luxxiasews: Amazon Prime Sunday delivery is a fantastic thing. #lastblock #letsdothis
luxxiasews: Pretty fitting final block! Sewing Machine from The Paper Pieced Home
luxxiasews: #nofilter quilt top completed!
luxxiasews: #nofilter quilt top peekaboo I see through you
luxxiasews: Working on the #nofilter quilt back #polaroidlogo
luxxiasews: This beauty is ready for photos...tomorrow! For now, sleep. #nofilter #pghmqg
luxxiasews: #nofilter quilt: This one is my favorite!
luxxiasews: #nofilter quilt back :)
luxxiasews: #nofilter quilt finished! I'm glad I posted progress shots, because this pic does not do these blocks justice.