LuxVesperis: At the airport
LuxVesperis: Kids play area in Logan
LuxVesperis: Sleepers
LuxVesperis: My plane
LuxVesperis: Jelly beans
LuxVesperis: NGO-Toyohashi station
LuxVesperis: Hello Japan
LuxVesperis: Onigiri
LuxVesperis: Across the US, across the Pacific
LuxVesperis: Yay Knotts' Berry Farm
LuxVesperis: Herb Chicken and Mozzerella Cheese Open Sandwich
LuxVesperis: And a Berry Berry Soda
LuxVesperis: The infamous Snowee's Engrish wall
LuxVesperis: Tantanmen at Denny's
LuxVesperis: Today's Haul
LuxVesperis: Lunch!
LuxVesperis: 漬物
LuxVesperis: 揚げだし豆腐
LuxVesperis: 卵焼き
LuxVesperis: かまぼこ
LuxVesperis: サツマイモ
LuxVesperis: えのき
LuxVesperis: イモ
LuxVesperis: たつ揚げ
LuxVesperis: 玄米と味噌汁
LuxVesperis: まぐろのカルパッチョ
LuxVesperis: Dessert
LuxVesperis: カキ氷と図書館戦争