LuxVesperis: Christmas
LuxVesperis: Look familiar?
LuxVesperis: Wave to the tram
LuxVesperis: Not quite real
LuxVesperis: Look familiar?
LuxVesperis: King Kong
LuxVesperis: Lyon Estates
LuxVesperis: Japanese signs?
LuxVesperis: Vending Machines
LuxVesperis: Flood simulation
LuxVesperis: Doug in front of the Prop Dept
LuxVesperis: The Prop Dept
LuxVesperis: The Prop Dept
LuxVesperis: The Prop Dept
LuxVesperis: The Prop Dept
LuxVesperis: Look familiar?
LuxVesperis: Pirates
LuxVesperis: The Backlot
LuxVesperis: Look familiar?
LuxVesperis: 1313 Mockingbird Lane
LuxVesperis: From 'War of the Worlds'
LuxVesperis: Leaving the House of Horrors
LuxVesperis: Waterworld
LuxVesperis: Us and Doug
LuxVesperis: Back for the Mummy ride
LuxVesperis: Welcome to Disneyland; here's a line, stand it in.
LuxVesperis: Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
LuxVesperis: Pirates of the Caribbean
LuxVesperis: Haunted Mansion Holiday