luxielou: Train driving through the mall
luxielou: Our bridge to no where
luxielou: Early Valentine flowers
luxielou: dessert
luxielou: my plate
luxielou: The snow starting to get heavy
luxielou: about 15 minutes later
luxielou: How do I get one of these for the girls??
luxielou: I made a friend
luxielou: Swept away
luxielou: Taquito!
luxielou: Fox guarding her pups
luxielou: Foxy
luxielou: We got a pinkberry
luxielou: For u to see Tia
luxielou: Rainbow after the storm
luxielou: Sunset
luxielou: Kind of want this just because of the cover
luxielou: Sitting in line.....
luxielou: I can't wait!
luxielou: Farmer's Market
luxielou: New iPhone case.....!
luxielou: Sushi anniversary dinner
luxielou: uh oh
luxielou: Washington Park
luxielou: A day of eats
luxielou: Look at all those geese!