-issata: an and brian's wedding invitation
-issata: the dress
-issata: [42/52] cousins
-issata: thanks { so much }
-issata: *{ love }*
-issata: DSC_7326
-issata: DSC_7344
-issata: mom and mrs. tienor
-issata: ayako
-issata: DSC_7385
-issata: scrapbook
-issata: tessa rawr
-issata: DSC_7444
-issata: guitar practice
-issata: smile
-issata: happy couple
-issata: DSC_7496bw
-issata: oh hello
-issata: DSC_7542bw
-issata: cake
-issata: 3 pink bows
-issata: DSC_7554
-issata: beautiful dresses
-issata: signing the guestbook
-issata: hi up there
-issata: pffft
-issata: DSC_7592
-issata: ayako
-issata: touched