Luther Fine Art Collection:
Oedipus and Antigone
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Einsame Pappel (Lone Poplar)
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Dämmerung (Sunset) or Wintermond (Winter Moon)
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Fruhfrost (Early Frost)
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Study for Halbbekleidete Maja
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Marguerite Wildenhain
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Neujahrsgruss 1972 (New Year's Greeting 1972)
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Death at the Hands of the Furies
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Tree in Wind
Luther Fine Art Collection:
La Farucca II
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Der Vogelschutze (The Birdhunter)
Luther Fine Art Collection:
Zwei Frauen unter Ruinen (Two Women Among Ruins)