fly flipper: Asotin Creek Bighorn
fly flipper: Asotin Creek Bighorn
fly flipper: pefect perch
fly flipper: Me on the Asotin Creek Trail
fly flipper: Jason on Asotin Creek Trail
fly flipper: proud little lamb
fly flipper: #2 or #29 ??
fly flipper: cute little lamb
fly flipper: look deep into my eyes
fly flipper: bighorn ewes
fly flipper: bighorn lamb
fly flipper: Asotin County bighorns
fly flipper: Asotin County bighorn ram
fly flipper: waiting his turn
fly flipper: ladybugs overwintering
fly flipper: so nice to see you healthy, my friends
fly flipper: how many do you see?
fly flipper: in search of bighorn sheep
fly flipper: "hey there Mr. Blue, we're so pleased to be with you"
fly flipper: abandoned hive
fly flipper: fly flipper thinking spring!
fly flipper: spring like day
fly flipper: big horn enjoying a nice spring afternoon
fly flipper: big horn
fly flipper: 'I see you'
fly flipper: 'come out, come out, where ever you are...'
fly flipper: 'hello little buggie'
fly flipper: the hills were carpeted in yellow
fly flipper: Indian Paintbrush (early season)