fly flipper: running high
fly flipper: running high
fly flipper: a blown out river runs thru it
fly flipper: Selway River
fly flipper: Selway Falls
fly flipper: June vs July
fly flipper: top of the falls
fly flipper: Selway Falls
fly flipper: Selway flooding
fly flipper: Meadow Creek
fly flipper: today's hike
fly flipper: forest floor
fly flipper: photo for my favorite flickr-ite
fly flipper: debris jam
fly flipper: along the Meadow Creek trail
fly flipper: hubby on trail
fly flipper: Meadow Creek Trail
fly flipper: Rabbit Creek
fly flipper: Rabbit Creek
fly flipper: pondering the meaning of life?
fly flipper: Meadow Creek snake
fly flipper: Meadow Ck trail flower
fly flipper: Meadow Ck Trail
fly flipper: dirty but happy
fly flipper: stranded?
fly flipper: fueling the big guys
fly flipper: our cabin on the Lochsa
fly flipper: dry and ready to go