lurks.: ouch.
lurks.: 3.
lurks.: madelines shower/sink.
lurks.: favorite window
lurks.: no flash
lurks.: montreal
lurks.: chelsea hotel
lurks.: brooklyn
lurks.: chelsea hotel
lurks.: chelsea hotel
lurks.: chelsea hotel
lurks.: chelsea hotel
lurks.: ground zero
lurks.: statue of liberty
lurks.: coney island
lurks.: new york
lurks.: coney island
lurks.: stephane
lurks.: the met
lurks.: happy birthday
lurks.: taco
lurks.: moon pinch
lurks.: bubba
lurks.: harlem
lurks.: down by the sea
lurks.: rub-a-dub-dub 3 babes in a tub
lurks.: lish
lurks.: nick
lurks.: soon to be wed
lurks.: chris