Terry Lu: 真开心啊!
Terry Lu: In a jazz bar / 一家爵士酒吧
Terry Lu: 噹噹车上的人们 / People on the cable car
Terry Lu: 噹噹车上的人们 / People on the cable car
Terry Lu: 噹噹车上的人们 / People on the cable car
Terry Lu: People queuing for the cable car / 排队等候噹噹车的人们
Terry Lu: 三藩市夜晚的灯光
Terry Lu: Tanned and Tattoed / 纹身背影
Terry Lu: Test shot
Terry Lu: 窗外雨中行人
Terry Lu: 雨中行人之Lomo版
Terry Lu: Chris at work 工作中的停车管理员
Terry Lu: Music in Leavenworth 小镇琴声
Terry Lu: 换上少数民族服装留个影 / Take a picture wearing ethnic minority clothes
Terry Lu: 少数民族舞蹈 / Dancing by ethnic minority people
Terry Lu: 少数民族舞蹈 / Dancing by ethnic minority people
Terry Lu: 少数民族舞蹈 / Dancing by ethnic minority people
Terry Lu: 少数民族舞蹈 / Dancing by ethnic minority people
Terry Lu: 300mm端抓拍地铁站门口的MM
Terry Lu: 300mm端
Terry Lu: 一群孩子加一个胖子在夜晚的沙滩上不知道挖什么 / Don't know what these people are digging for?
Terry Lu: 沙滩之夜
Terry Lu: 来个黑白的 / B&W
Terry Lu: 我们走了,他们也高兴了 / As we leave, they shall be happy
Terry Lu: 我们走了,他们也高兴了 / As we leave, they shall be happy
Terry Lu: 我们的离去也是一条重大新闻,引来大量记者拍摄 / The departure of the Chinese delegation was big news too
Terry Lu: 芭提雅街景/Street view in Pattaya, Thailand
Terry Lu: 芭提雅街景/Street view in Pattaya, Thailand
Terry Lu: 芭提雅街景/Street view in Pattaya, Thailand
Terry Lu: 忧虑的警官 / An anxious police chief