Terry Lu: 飞机上看日落 / Sunset through the airplane window
Terry Lu: 飞机上看日落 / Sunset through the airplane window
Terry Lu: 飞机上看日落 / Sunset through the airplane window
Terry Lu: 飞机上鸟瞰傍晚的昆明 / Bird's eyeview of Kunmin before landing
Terry Lu: 飞机上鸟瞰傍晚的昆明 / Bird's eyeview of Kunmin before landing
Terry Lu: 石林 / Stone Forest
Terry Lu: 石林 / Stone Forest
Terry Lu: 石林 / Stone Forest
Terry Lu: 石林 / Stone Forest
Terry Lu: 石林 / Stone Forest
Terry Lu: 石林 / Stone Forest
Terry Lu: 少数民族舞蹈 / Dancing by ethnic minority people
Terry Lu: 少数民族舞蹈 / Dancing by ethnic minority people
Terry Lu: 少数民族舞蹈 / Dancing by ethnic minority people
Terry Lu: 少数民族舞蹈 / Dancing by ethnic minority people
Terry Lu: 石林 / Stone Forest
Terry Lu: 阿诗玛 / Stone Forest
Terry Lu: 换上少数民族服装留个影 / Take a picture wearing ethnic minority clothes
Terry Lu: 昆明看演出--杂技 / Acrobatics
Terry Lu: 昆明看演出--杂技 / Acrobatics
Terry Lu: 昆明看演出--杂技 / Acrobatics
Terry Lu: 昆明看演出--杂技 / Acrobatics
Terry Lu: 昆明看演出--杂技 / Acrobatics
Terry Lu: 昆明看演出--红太阳
Terry Lu: 昆明看演出