Terry Lu: 芭提雅马路上乱成一团麻的电线
Terry Lu: 芭提雅街景/Street view in Pattaya, Thailand
Terry Lu: 芭提雅街景/Street view in Pattaya, Thailand
Terry Lu: 泰国骑摩托的人很多,但都戴头盔,很好的习惯
Terry Lu: 泰国骑摩托的人很多,但都戴头盔,很好的习惯
Terry Lu: 摩托和游艇
Terry Lu: 泰国骑摩托的人很多,但都戴头盔,很好的习惯
Terry Lu: 愁眉不展的安保人员
Terry Lu: 这次开会的车队居然清一色的日系车,唉,泰国啊
Terry Lu: 一个悠闲的防爆警察
Terry Lu: 随手拍张车窗外的鲜花 / A snap shot of some flowers outside the car window
Terry Lu: 红衫军们爬上警方用来阻挡人流的消防车,试图突破防线 / Some Red Shirt protesters trying to break through the blockade,试图突破防线
Terry Lu: 穿过警察防线的红衫军径直冲着我们的车来了,吓得我们的司机赶忙调头 / We were forced to make a U-turn while the Red Shirt protesters coming towards us
Terry Lu: 小伙子知道自己在干嘛吗?/ A red shirt protestor in Pattaya, Thailand
Terry Lu: 逃跑的人流露出忧虑的表情 / Anxious people fleeing from the blockade zone
Terry Lu: 一个忧虑的记者被迫撤离防线 A jounalist fleeing from the blockade
Terry Lu: 旅途平安? / Have a safe journey? How can I, with so many red shirts?
Terry Lu: 红衫军们爬上警方用来阻挡人流的消防车,试图突破防线 / Some Red Shirt protesters trying to break through the blockade
Terry Lu: 增援部队──据说是海军,感觉战斗力一般啊 / Navy reinforcement
Terry Lu: 安保人员 / Security people
Terry Lu: 这个警官的手帕居然是英国国旗 / This cop's handkerchief is a Union flag
Terry Lu: 爬到警车顶上拍摄的记者 / A jounalist on top of a police van shooting the protesters
Terry Lu: 无聊的警察居然在拿手机在给红衫军留影 / A cop taking photos of the Red Shirt protesters with his mobile phone
Terry Lu: 警察爬到警车顶上试图阻止红衫军 / A police van trying to block the protesters
Terry Lu: 这个警察很强壮的样子 / A tough-looking cop
Terry Lu: 防暴警察非常酷的帽子? / A riot police with a wierd-looing head protector.
Terry Lu: 非常喜欢这个色彩 / A snap shot of a roadside lamp
Terry Lu: 忧虑的警官 / An anxious police chief
Terry Lu: 防暴警察整装待命 / A group of riot police waiting for orders
Terry Lu: 红杉军来了,路边小摊贩乐了 / A happy vendor selling fruits to the Red Shirt protesters