Terry Lu:
红衫军们爬上警方用来阻挡人流的消防车,试图突破防线 / Some Red Shirt protesters trying to break through the blockade,试图突破防线
Terry Lu:
穿过警察防线的红衫军径直冲着我们的车来了,吓得我们的司机赶忙调头 / We were forced to make a U-turn while the Red Shirt protesters coming towards us
Terry Lu:
红衫军们爬上警方用来阻挡人流的消防车,试图突破防线 / Some Red Shirt protesters trying to break through the blockade
Terry Lu:
无聊的警察居然在拿手机在给红衫军留影 / A cop taking photos of the Red Shirt protesters with his mobile phone