lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (1)
lupuskool: T.U.C. General Secretary, Paul Nowak with photographer on Brighton beach
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (2)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (3)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (4)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (5)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (6)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (7)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (8)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (9)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (10)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (11)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (12)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (13)
lupuskool: TUC Conference Sun 08-09 (14)
lupuskool: Women in white jacket is U.K. Deputy prime minister, The Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP.
lupuskool: Angela Rayner leaves the TUC Conference
lupuskool: Ladies and gentlemen Sir Keir has left the building
lupuskool: He's made a sale
lupuskool: TUC Conference, Brighton
lupuskool: Would you like copy of the Socialist Worker?