skubmic: Precarious future
Thithia :): Montjuic Buen finde!!! :)
Duarja: He après a besar amb els ulls / I have learned to kiss with your eyes
Duarja: Silenci groc / Silence yellow
eduardo.garcia08: Volando ante la adversidad
Inmi2008: So far, so near...
Inmi2008: The end of a great day ***
Duarja: Fotografia d'un comiat / Photograph of a farewell
saul landell: aunque el frio queme
skubmic: Running on empty
skubmic: Hello
saul landell: viento negro
Thithia :): cel obert
LellePelle: När nordanvinden skriver vinterpoesi - When the wind from north writes winter-poetry
Thithia :): sin palabras...
Rafael Montano: Una tarde invernal en Chapala
Rafael Montano: La Navidad olvidada
Ingibjörg H: Ice crystal
pbruch: Gazing into the sunset
Yaci Andrade: Ouro no Céu & Mar!
Pilkar: Pelicans flying in V
Bashar Shglila: The Shooting Star !
LellePelle: Du ska ikke slamre i döra å fales styggt mä jola
LellePelle: Who is afraid of wolves