lundqma: Guarding his fellow geese
lundqma: Three Geese
lundqma: Goose looking out across the lake
lundqma: Seagull in Flight
lundqma: Sharp Seagull
lundqma: A lonely Crow
lundqma: Landing Duck
lundqma: Bird bath
lundqma: In Flight
lundqma: Duck Guys
lundqma: Mallard Duck
lundqma: Duckling
lundqma: Duckling heading West
lundqma: Bird over Niagara River.
lundqma: Parading bird
lundqma: Peacock feathers
lundqma: A lonely gull
lundqma: The Duck Family
lundqma: Duck Mom
lundqma: Duck Mom, profile
lundqma: Fly Away Seagull
lundqma: Parking lot Birdies