patricia elizabeth: I think this person and I have had the same kind of week.
patricia elizabeth: True but money doesn't hurt and you can't pay the rent with love. Not without possibly breaking some laws anyway. **ahem**
patricia elizabeth: Taking the city back...
patricia elizabeth: It wasn't hot enough to fry an egg on a sidewalk yesterday apparently. Today is another story though.
patricia elizabeth: Maybe my dissatisfaction with the photos I take of this is the blurred left side. It doesn't really seem to go with the right side of the work.
patricia elizabeth: Office view. Looks prettier now with all the green.
patricia elizabeth: Fancy apartment buildings are fancy.
patricia elizabeth: There is a lot happening on that wall.
patricia elizabeth: "Harassing women does not prove your masculinity."
patricia elizabeth: There's a story here. Of that there is no doubt.
patricia elizabeth: There's nothing a smile won't fix? :-)
patricia elizabeth: This is the single best thing I enjoy about walking around this city - seeing the art work.
patricia elizabeth: Graffiti alley
patricia elizabeth: Shadow ride