patricia elizabeth:
patricia elizabeth:
El Salvador 2015-2016
patricia elizabeth:
patricia elizabeth:
patricia elizabeth:
I'm sure someone in the fashion industry has already written about the magical power of polka dots to make things better so I'm here to state that those words are 100% correct. #wiw #ootd
patricia elizabeth:
The problem with getting to places early is that you then have to wait for things to start. Thirty more minutes before this DC photo wall gets going. Ho-hum.
patricia elizabeth:
Just be careful that you don't pull down an asteroid. Wait, I might have missed the point of the message. Hmm...
patricia elizabeth:
Oh hey, there, Elmo! How you doing? The balloon probably should have been gone a couple of weeks ago but why do that when I can attach it to the door and have him photobomb me? That's way more fun. Si.
patricia elizabeth:
"Where did you get that shirt?" "Old Navy. Just in case it's not obvious that I'm here for fun." :-| ... :-D
patricia elizabeth:
I let the day get away from me which, seeing as how I have to work tomorrow, was a mistake. Now I'm going to go into the week feeling as if I didn't have a weekend. Regardless, I'm looking forward to a productive Sunday. Fingers crossed.
patricia elizabeth:
I've gotten a couple of interesting looks today. No idea why so I'm choosing to believe people are admiring my obviously awesome Cowboys cap. Yep. Totally.
patricia elizabeth:
When people tell me I don't look 42 I don't think it's because they don't see the wrinkles. I think that 1. It's the attitude and 2. It's shirts like this one. Clothing options that are obviously greatly influenced by the attitude so the logic is sound. I
patricia elizabeth:
Four day weekend! Woot!
patricia elizabeth:
I've spent the last two days believing it was Friday. Which means I experienced tiny disappointments throughout each day as my brain caught up with the calendar. It speaks to my perverse sense of humor that thinking about that amuses me. That said, it's F
patricia elizabeth:
patricia elizabeth:
Thursday's outfit.
patricia elizabeth:
This is the "oh, it's four photos? I don't know what else to do now!" look.