lunaly: It says, "Friend good." on the inside.
lunaly: Store bag, May '13
lunaly: feb12atc
lunaly: For Nancy and Heather
lunaly: Sir Winston
lunaly: SugarSkull: Jewel
lunaly: Dance
lunaly: Please Remove Spurs
lunaly: Our Lady of Eternal Chocolate
lunaly: Nest
lunaly: Fabulous Hats
lunaly: Sew Stylish
lunaly: Gossip
lunaly: Positively Last Week
lunaly: Live in the Moment
lunaly: Lois' Birds white
lunaly: Dragonflies White
lunaly: Dragonflies Black
lunaly: 2 in the Bush White
lunaly: 2 in the Bush Black
lunaly: Lois' Birds Black
lunaly: Peachy, Peachy
lunaly: token circles
lunaly: Smiling Circles
lunaly: purple/green circles
lunaly: purple citrus circle flapper
lunaly: poppy star circles
lunaly: pink green circles
lunaly: green flapper
lunaly: good for nothing circles