Lunada Bay Letterpress: Hallmark card, full front
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Hallmark card, detail
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Hallmark cards, front of package
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Hallmark cards, back of package
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Hallmark card, detail showing misregistration
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Hallmark card, back of design
Lunada Bay Letterpress: From A Specimen of Printing Types by Fry and Steele (1794)
Lunada Bay Letterpress: From A Specimen of Printing Types by Fry and Steele (London, 1794)
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Shakespeare's Henry VI
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Cordiale quattuor novissimorum [The Cordyal of the Four Last and Final Thinges]
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Euclid's Elements of Geometry
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Gutenberg on the iPhone