luna✳con✳leche: Lambda~ V. Luna Girl #2
luna✳con✳leche: Lavinia~ V. Luna Girl #1 WTB Luna
luna✳con✳leche: an unwanted break from flickr >_<;;;
luna✳con✳leche: Searching for these wigs
luna✳con✳leche: Searching for Volks Outifts
luna✳con✳leche: searching for luna's default outfit and wig
luna✳con✳leche: searching for booklet which came with volks new vol. 39
luna✳con✳leche: searching for wigs part 2
luna✳con✳leche: the saving and searching begins!
luna✳con✳leche: Nono Sweet Dream (Nostalgic) Default Dress
luna✳con✳leche: dreaming for my final doll
luna✳con✳leche: WTB: Dollflower 20mm eyes
luna✳con✳leche: Looking For [yet again] Volks SD Luna Head
luna✳con✳leche: Please Help! Seeking a Sweet Dream Nana
luna✳con✳leche: WTB: Charlotte Wig & [Possibly] Outfit