Michael W Potter: Mallard female on ice, reflection
Michael W Potter: Blue-winged Teal male, reflection
Michael W Potter: Common Merganser male with fish
Michael W Potter: Sharp-tailed Grouse male 'dancing' at lek
Michael W Potter: Tyrian Metaltail two interacting
Michael W Potter: Sparkling Violetear
Michael W Potter: Crowned Woodnymph male, flowers
Michael W Potter: Blue-throated Starfrontlet female
Michael W Potter: Steely-vented Hummingbird
Michael W Potter: Glowing Puffleg male
Michael W Potter: Indigo-capped Hummingbird (endemic species of Colombia)
Michael W Potter: Black-necked Stilt with fish
Michael W Potter: Marbled Godwit
Michael W Potter: Atlantic Puffin in rain
Michael W Potter: Atlantic Puffin with nest material
Michael W Potter: Franklin's Gull, reflection
Michael W Potter: Bald Eagle at Spirit Lake
Michael W Potter: Great Horned Owl among autumn leaves
Michael W Potter: Northern Flicker intergrade male taking off
Michael W Potter: Northern Flicker male at nest cavity
Michael W Potter: Steller's Jay
Michael W Potter: American Goldfinch male
Michael W Potter: Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch with food
Michael W Potter: Savannah Sparrow vocalizing
Michael W Potter: Dark-eyed Junco, fall
Michael W Potter: Brown-headed Cowbird male
Michael W Potter: Black-capped Chickadee, Red Osier Dogwood
Michael W Potter: Mountain Chickadee with food
Michael W Potter: Mountain Bluebird male