Michael W Potter:
Pine Grosbeak male (and female)
Michael W Potter:
Pine Grosbeak male
Michael W Potter:
Pine Grosbeak male at feeder with Polar Bear motif
Michael W Potter:
Pine Grosbeak young with food
Michael W Potter:
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Michael W Potter:
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch with food
Michael W Potter:
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch juvenile feeding
Michael W Potter:
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Michael W Potter:
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Michael W Potter:
House Finch male with maple seed
Michael W Potter:
House Finch male
Michael W Potter:
House Finch male
Michael W Potter:
House Finch male, fall
Michael W Potter:
House Finch male
Michael W Potter:
House Finch female with berry
Michael W Potter:
Cassin's Finch male
Michael W Potter:
Cassin's Finch female
Michael W Potter:
Pine Siskin feeding on seeds
Michael W Potter:
Pine Siskin feeding "upside-down"
Michael W Potter:
Pine Siskin bathing
Michael W Potter:
American Goldfinch male
Michael W Potter:
American Goldfinch male with food
Michael W Potter:
American Goldfinch male
Michael W Potter:
American Goldfinch feeding at thistle
Michael W Potter:
American Goldfinch female
Michael W Potter:
American Goldfinch female getting nest material
Michael W Potter:
Michael W Potter:
Michael W Potter:
White-winged Crossbill female
Michael W Potter:
Evening Grosbeak male