Michael W Potter: Northern Harrier female in flight
Michael W Potter: Northern Harrier in flight
Michael W Potter: Eastern Marsh Harrier
Michael W Potter: Snail Kite perched, with snail meat in beak (snail shell dropping)
Michael W Potter: Snail Kite female on channel marker
Michael W Potter: Snail Kite female in flight
Michael W Potter: Plumbeous Kite near nest
Michael W Potter: Sharp-shinned Hawk juvenile
Michael W Potter: Sharp-shinned Hawk chasing Pileated Woodpecker male
Michael W Potter: Sharp-shinned Hawk
Michael W Potter: Sharp-shinned Hawk
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk both eyes open after sleeping
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk sleeping with one eye open
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk looking up
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk at nest
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk on nest
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk young
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk young, close to fledging
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk two young, close to fledging
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk with prey
Michael W Potter: Cooper's Hawk
Michael W Potter: Cooper’s Hawk juvenile
Michael W Potter: Gray Hawk in flight
Michael W Potter: Eastern Chanting Goshawk
Michael W Potter: Broad-winged Hawk juvenile
Michael W Potter: Broad-winged Hawk juvenile
Michael W Potter: Swainson's Hawk vocalizing
Michael W Potter: Swainson’s Hawk vocalizing, red barn in distance
Michael W Potter: Swainson's Hawk