Michael W Potter: Wood Duck male preening female
Michael W Potter: "Making a Splash" -- Wood Duck male
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck male vocalizing
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck female
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck male with food
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck female with Crayfish
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck male preening with bill
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck male bathing
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck female vocalizing at another
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck female vocalizing at another
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck female and young
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck female (vocalizing at another female) with young (one also vocalizing)
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck young on log
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck male in rain
Michael W Potter: Mallard male taking off, droplets
Michael W Potter: Mallard female in flight, ice
Michael W Potter: Mallard males taking off, in front of two Trumpeter Swan juveniles
Michael W Potter: Mallard three males vocalizing
Michael W Potter: Mallard male, ice and snow
Michael W Potter: Mallard pair on floating ice
Michael W Potter: Mallard male bathing
Michael W Potter: Mallard male feeding at edge of ice, Bow River
Michael W Potter: Mallard pair feeding at edge of ice, Bow River
Michael W Potter: Mallard male preening with foot
Michael W Potter: Mallard male preening with foot
Michael W Potter: Mallard male preening with bill
Michael W Potter: Mallard male preening
Michael W Potter: Mallard female on ice, reflection
Michael W Potter: Mallard female on ice, preening
Michael W Potter: Mallard male interacting with another male