Michael W Potter: Piping Plover
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover male (left) and female
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover male
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover male
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover female
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover female
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover female with food
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover female
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover female
Michael W Potter: "Walk on the Wet Sand" sign for Piping Plover
Michael W Potter: Piping Plover licence plate
Michael W Potter: Snowy Plover with food
Michael W Potter: Semipalmated Plover
Michael W Potter: Semipalmated Plover juvenile
Michael W Potter: Semipalmated Plover
Michael W Potter: Semipalmated Plover two
Michael W Potter: Semipalmated Plover facing camera, with shrimp
Michael W Potter: Semipalmated Plover with food
Michael W Potter: Semipalmated Plover (and Killdeer)
Michael W Potter: Semipalmated Plover nonbreeding
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Plover vocalizing
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Plover three, one taking off
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Plover and Black-necked Stilt two
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Plover two with different plumage
Michael W Potter: Forster's Tern interacts with Black-bellied Plover
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Plover with dragonfly
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Plover with food
Michael W Potter: Grey Plover [Black-bellied Plover] (Pluvialis squatarola)
Michael W Potter: American Golden-Plover
Michael W Potter: American Golden-Plover