Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck group
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck group in rain
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck group
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck group
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck three preening
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck two, one preening
Michael W Potter: Plain Chachalaca fanning tail
Michael W Potter: Plain Chachalaca
Michael W Potter: Northern Bobwhite female and male
Michael W Potter: Northern Bobwhite male
Michael W Potter: White-tipped Dove drinking
Michael W Potter: Common Gallinule
Michael W Potter: Common Gallinule two - one chasing another
Michael W Potter: Whooping Crane
Michael W Potter: Whooping Crane in flight, vocalizing
Michael W Potter: Whooping Crane Tours sign
Michael W Potter: Tricolored Heron with food item
Michael W Potter: Tricolored Heron hunting
Michael W Potter: Tricolored Heron striking
Michael W Potter: Tricolored Heron with food item
Michael W Potter: Tricolored Heron in rain
Michael W Potter: Tricolored Heron preening
Michael W Potter: Tricolored Heron and Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks
Michael W Potter: Great Egret
Michael W Potter: Great Egret -- note plumes
Michael W Potter: Little Blue Heron
Michael W Potter: Snowy Egret and White Ibis
Michael W Potter: White Ibis with Crayfish
Michael W Potter: White Ibis
Michael W Potter: White Ibis with wings up