Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker intergrade male taking off
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker male intergrade at cavity
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker male intergrade
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker female {red-shafted form} in flight
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker vocalizing
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker male intergrade
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker vocalizing
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker showing claws, and tail as prop
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker with unusual malar (cheek stripe)
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker probing ground for food
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker with mud on bill
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker male intergrade
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker two interacting
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker two males interacting
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker, fall colours
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker preening
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker preening
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker intergrade male, and 'DANGER Thin Ice' sign
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker drumming
Michael W Potter:
"Northern Flicker — Spring Cleaning" -- removing dry grass from old nest cavity
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker pair mating
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker two young at nest cavity, begging
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker young 'biting' feathers of second young at nest entrance
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker young begging at nest, adult with food
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker adult with food for young at nest
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker male at nest cavity
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker at cavity
Michael W Potter:
“Let the chips fall where they may” Northern Flicker excavating nest cavity
Michael W Potter:
Northern Flicker gathering berries with tongue