Michael W Potter:
Virginia Rail
Michael W Potter:
Plumbeous Rail
Michael W Potter:
Sora -- shows long toes
Michael W Potter:
Sora adult feeding young, reflection
Michael W Potter:
Sora adult feeding young
Michael W Potter:
Sora and Wilson's Snipe interacting
Michael W Potter:
Sora juvenile
Michael W Potter:
Sora juvenile, reflection
Michael W Potter:
Sora juvenile -- note long toes
Michael W Potter:
Russet-naped Wood-Rail
Michael W Potter:
American Coot two interacting 1 of 3
Michael W Potter:
American Coot two interacting 2 of 3
Michael W Potter:
American Coot two interacting 3 of 3
Michael W Potter:
American Coot showing lobed toes
Michael W Potter:
American Coot
Michael W Potter:
American Coot adult sheltering young, in nest
Michael W Potter:
American Coot adult on nest, young
Michael W Potter:
American Coot adult and young on nest
Michael W Potter:
American Coot feeding young
Michael W Potter:
American Coot adult feeding young
Michael W Potter:
American Coot young and adult
Michael W Potter:
American Coot adult feeding young
Michael W Potter:
American Coot adult feeding young
Michael W Potter:
American Coot young with food
Michael W Potter:
American Coot young
Michael W Potter:
American Coot juvenile with white head
Michael W Potter:
American Coot juvenile -- note feather sheaths
Michael W Potter:
American Coot adult disciplining young
Michael W Potter:
American Coot adult chasing young -- both vocalizing
Michael W Potter:
American Coot feeding at edge of ice