Michael W Potter: Common Potoo, Metropolitan Park, Panama City
Michael W Potter: Talamanca Hummingbird male
Michael W Potter: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird male
Michael W Potter: Crowned Woodnymph male
Michael W Potter: Crowned Woodnymph female
Michael W Potter: Blue-chested Hummingbird male
Michael W Potter: Blue-chested Hummingbird male
Michael W Potter: Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
Michael W Potter: Rufous-crested Coquette female
Michael W Potter: Rufescent Tiger-Heron
Michael W Potter: Tropical Screech-Owl
Michael W Potter: Resplendent Quetzal male
Michael W Potter: Orange-chinned Parakeet
Michael W Potter: Spotted Antbird male
Michael W Potter: Thick-billed Euphonia young male
Michael W Potter: Great-tailed Grackle female with nest material
Michael W Potter: Tennessee Warbler male
Michael W Potter: Rufous-and-white Wren with nest material
Michael W Potter: Blue Dacnis male
Michael W Potter: Blue-gray Tanager
Michael W Potter: Crimson-backed Tanager male