Michael W Potter: Mallard male preening
Michael W Potter: Mallard male preening with foot
Michael W Potter: Mallard male preening with bill
Michael W Potter: Mallard male preening with foot
Michael W Potter: Mallard female on ice, preening
Michael W Potter: Mallard male bathing
Michael W Potter: Common Goldeneye male preening with bill
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck male bathing
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck male preening with bill
Michael W Potter: Ruddy Duck male preening
Michael W Potter: Ruddy Duck male bathing
Michael W Potter: Redhead (duck) male preening
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck three preening
Michael W Potter: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck two, one preening
Michael W Potter: Cinnamon Teal male preening with bill
Michael W Potter: Blue-winged Teal male bathing
Michael W Potter: Blue-winged Teal male and female preening
Michael W Potter: Common Merganser female preening with foot
Michael W Potter: Common Merganser juvenile preening
Michael W Potter: Common Merganser female preening
Michael W Potter: Hooded Merganser male preening with foot
Michael W Potter: Hooded Merganser male preening with foot
Michael W Potter: Canada Goose adult preening
Michael W Potter: Canada Goose bathing
Michael W Potter: Canada Goose bathing in icy water
Michael W Potter: Canada Goose two bathing (including "barrel rolls") and preening
Michael W Potter: Trumpeter Swan bathing in icy water
Michael W Potter: Tundra Swan preening
Michael W Potter: Tundra Swan juvenile preening with foot
Michael W Potter: Eared Grebe young preening with lobed toes