Michael W Potter: Common Merganser female with young
Michael W Potter: Bufflehead female and four young
Michael W Potter: Bufflehead female and four young
Michael W Potter: Wood Duck female and young
Michael W Potter: American Black Duck female and young
Michael W Potter: Common Eider adults and young
Michael W Potter: Red-necked Grebe family, feeding time
Michael W Potter: Red-necked Grebe adult feeding young
Michael W Potter: Eared Grebe adult with three young on back — one getting fed by second adult
Michael W Potter: Eared Grebe adult with three young on back, second adult with fish
Michael W Potter: Eared Grebe feeding young on its back
Michael W Potter: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird adult and young
Michael W Potter: Sora adult feeding young, reflection
Michael W Potter: Sora adult feeding young
Michael W Potter: American Coot feeding young
Michael W Potter: American Coot adult feeding young
Michael W Potter: American Coot adult feeding young
Michael W Potter: American Coot adult feeding young
Michael W Potter: Sandhill Crane two adults and young being fed
Michael W Potter: Common Loon two adults and two young -- one with food
Michael W Potter: Black-necked Stilt adult and two young
Michael W Potter: Black-necked Stilt adult and three young (two under)
Michael W Potter: American Avocet adult and young (another under)
Michael W Potter: American Avocet adult in flight and two young
Michael W Potter: Killdeer adult and four young
Michael W Potter: Killdeer adult and four young
Michael W Potter: Killdeer adult and four young (one on top of another)
Michael W Potter: Eastern Kingbird adult feeding young, another young begging
Michael W Potter: Eastern Kingbird adult feeding young Dragonfly, second young begging
Michael W Potter: Eastern Kingbird adult feeding young