Michael W Potter: Long-tailed Duck pair in flight
Michael W Potter: Long-tailed Duck male
Michael W Potter: Common Eider group in flight
Michael W Potter: Common Eider three males and a female
Michael W Potter: Red-breasted Merganser male
Michael W Potter: Surf Scoter male and female
Michael W Potter: Canada Goose with neck low to ground
Michael W Potter: Willow Ptarmigan male in transitional plumage
Michael W Potter: Willow Ptarmigan male in transitional plumage
Michael W Potter: Willow Ptarmigan female
Michael W Potter: Sandhill Crane
Michael W Potter: Pacific Loon symmetry
Michael W Potter: Pacific Loon
Michael W Potter: Pacific Loon splashing
Michael W Potter: "Synchronicity" -- Pacific Loon two
Michael W Potter: American Bittern
Michael W Potter: American Bittern with small fish
Michael W Potter: Hudsonian Godwit
Michael W Potter: Red-necked Phalarope female
Michael W Potter: Parasitic Jaeger (Arctic Skua) two and gulls
Michael W Potter: Parasitic Jaeger (Arctic Skua) with fish
Michael W Potter: Parasitic Jaeger (Arctic Skua) in flight
Michael W Potter: American Herring Gull with wings up to take off as a Beluga passes by
Michael W Potter: American Herring Gull on nest
Michael W Potter: Ring-billed Gull and small iceberg
Michael W Potter: Bonaparte’s Gull
Michael W Potter: Bonaparte’s Gull two mating
Michael W Potter: Shadows on two Beluga whales cast by gulls flying over (a Ring-billed and a Bonaparte's)
Michael W Potter: Little Gull in flight
Michael W Potter: Arctic Tern two, vocalizing