lumachrome: Glorius Sighting in Embarcadero Station
lumachrome: The Flat Way Back to SF
lumachrome: All Packed Up and Downhill To Go
lumachrome: North to Petaluma, My Flickrnamesake
lumachrome: Full Brightness Over San Francisco Bay
lumachrome: Across The North Bay to Vallejo
lumachrome: Bike Parking
lumachrome: Liberated Zone Courtesy of The Metric Liberation Front
lumachrome: Light Peaking Over Hills, Trojan Point, Mount Tamalpais State Park
lumachrome: Fog Cover, Trojan Point, Mount Tamalpais State Park
lumachrome: San Francisco Skyline and Sutro Tower from Trojan Point
lumachrome: Sunrise over Mount Diablo (or Angel Island?), Trojan Point over Pan Toll Ranger Station
lumachrome: Yes Virginia, San Francisco is Over There
lumachrome: For Good Times, Make it Campfire Time
lumachrome: We at Hiker Biker Site #3
lumachrome: Sunset from Pan Toll Ranger Station
lumachrome: Sunset from Pan Toll Ranger Station
lumachrome: Escaped! (SF)
lumachrome: Mount Diablo, etc.
lumachrome: COSIWC: Church of Steel in Walnut Creek
lumachrome: Gratuitous Station Shots
lumachrome: Adventure Time!
lumachrome: Let's Go!