lumachrome: SP&S 700 at Idle
lumachrome: Great Northern Caboose
lumachrome: Engineer's Controls
lumachrome: Mmmm Blue Sky
lumachrome: Wildflowers
lumachrome: Train Approaching
lumachrome: Terry Keeps an Eye Out While Mark Tends to The Fire
lumachrome: Runby, Color
lumachrome: Runby, B&W
lumachrome: Drivers, Engineer's Side
lumachrome: Underneath The Cab, Engineer's Side
lumachrome: Driver #4
lumachrome: Driver #3
lumachrome: Driver #2
lumachrome: Driver #4
lumachrome: Jim Speaks With Dispatch
lumachrome: Consist Waiting at East Portland Junction
lumachrome: Buddies
lumachrome: On The Turntable!