luluwanders: illustration from the tempest
luluwanders: if you give a fish a book
luluwanders: lantern fish print
luluwanders: dos micheladas
luluwanders: mom's "oh no you didn't" face
luluwanders: sunset cowgirl
luluwanders: sunset parking lot
luluwanders: sunset mall
luluwanders: mall aerial
luluwanders: mom at the mall
luluwanders: fountain
luluwanders: basically, do nothing.
luluwanders: waterway rules
luluwanders: river: ur doin it wrong!
luluwanders: another installment of 'dorking out in texas'
luluwanders: uncertain is a town in texas
luluwanders: t approves of coconuty orange goodness
luluwanders: nom nom nom
luluwanders: mom wields a chik-o-stick
luluwanders: blue lights blue water
luluwanders: my parents dancing to the every 15 mins music & light watershow. the song was, naturally, "ain't that america" by joe cocker.
luluwanders: the light accentuates the oil HQ behind it so beautifully
luluwanders: my parents were SUPER excited about the water-lights-music combo recently installed behind them
luluwanders: and fondling the spouts. way to go town planners.
luluwanders: and doing pushups on the spouts
luluwanders: this kid was having A LOT of fun sitting on the spouts.
luluwanders: light and water thingie
luluwanders: riverwalk boat
luluwanders: tunnel
luluwanders: mom & dad