lulu cooks:
lulu cooks:
無花果のクロワッサン Viennoiserie with fresh figs and pastry cream.
lulu cooks:
クリームクロワッサン croissant with diplomat cream. just like cream puff, but even better!
lulu cooks:
ブリオッシュカネル(あずき)glazed brioche with adzuki bean
lulu cooks:
クロワッサン・オ・ザマンド croissant d'amandes
lulu cooks:
カンパーニュ pain de campagne
lulu cooks:
カンパーニュ pain de campagne
lulu cooks:
クロワッサン croissant
lulu cooks:
在宇治遇到祭典小遊行 encountered a small parade in Uji
lulu cooks:
在宇治遇到祭典小遊行 encountered a small parade in Uji
lulu cooks:
在宇治遇到祭典小遊行 encountered a small parade in Uji
lulu cooks:
在宇治遇到祭典小遊行 encountered a small parade in Uji
lulu cooks:
在宇治遇到祭典小遊行 encountered a small parade in Uji
lulu cooks:
宇治上神社的大樹 the giant tree at Ujigami Shrine
lulu cooks:
源氏物語勻宮和浮舟的雕像, the statues of Nio No Miya and Ukifune in Tales of Genji
lulu cooks:
中村藤吉吃甜點 going to Nakamura Tokichi for matcha desserts
lulu cooks:
手作り生茶ゼリイ(抹茶). Matcha jelly and ice-cream. After this, Philippe was maxed out on his annual matcha intake.
lulu cooks:
宇治きん氷 抹茶. Matcha shaved ice. so refreshing, just what I needed on another heatstroke-inducing day.
lulu cooks:
宇治きん氷 抹茶. Matcha shaved ice. so refreshing, just what I needed on another heatstroke-inducing day.
lulu cooks:
平等院, 平安時代的木構建築 Byodoin Temple originally built in AD 998
lulu cooks:
平等院, 平安時代的木構建築 Byodoin Temple originally built in AD 998
lulu cooks:
平等院, 平安時代的木構建築 Byodoin Temple originally built in AD 998
lulu cooks:
平等院, 平安時代的木構建築 Byodoin Temple originally built in AD 998
lulu cooks:
京都駅 Kyoto station, the biggest station in Japan. A huge, unhuman-friendly mass, in my opinion.
lulu cooks:
京都駅 Kyoto station, the biggest station in Japan. A huge, unhuman-friendly mass, in my opinion.
lulu cooks:
京都駅 Kyoto station, the biggest station in Japan. A huge, unhuman-friendly mass, in my opinion.
lulu cooks:
隔壁桌. 晚餐吃使用自家有機農園的蔬菜的人氣居酒屋五十家. 沒有訂位還搶到最後一桌, 真幸運~ the table next to us at Isoya Izakaya
lulu cooks:
菜單在上面 daily menuboard
lulu cooks:
蓮根脆片 lotus root chips
lulu cooks:
黑白湯葉 black-and-white yuba in light soy sauce, sesame seeds and wasab