luz rovira:
DSC02930 couleurs d'Ibiza /vista de Portinatx
luz rovira:
Waves / Oleaje
luz rovira:
DSC05675 Falaises (Mallorca)
luz rovira:
DSC02934 Ibiza, calas
luz rovira:
DSC00338 Clear and transparent water in Formentera (Balearic Islands)
luz rovira:
P1070407 Tonos, colores y rizos (Mallorca)
luz rovira:
P1070387 arena bien lavada
luz rovira:
IMG_0095 Late afternoon in Nord-Pas de Calais, France: beaucoup d'agitation avant la tombée de la nuit...
luz rovira:
IMG_0099 Port au Nord-Pas-de-Calais (à Fort Philippe, je crois)
luz rovira:
DSC03581 On rentre à la maison!
luz rovira:
Luz y luz de luna (Porto Cristo Novo)
luz rovira:
DSC06105 Remembering last summer....
luz rovira:
DSC04700- Indifférence
luz rovira:
DSC04617 Free like the wind
luz rovira:
DSC04566 After the bath, the sunbath next the sea
luz rovira:
P1070455 Fly, fly! high and far...!!!
luz rovira:
The sea, the dog, the silence...
luz rovira:
What courage....!
luz rovira:
DSC06356 - I need holidays!!!!!!!!!! (remembering last summer....)
luz rovira:
DSC02932 - Blue turquoise water
luz rovira:
L1080264 blue, blue, blue...
luz rovira:
luz rovira:
L1080249 Relaxing blue....
luz rovira:
L1070982 Ibiza desde la Marina Botafoc
luz rovira:
P1100532 Sailing to Ibiza in the morning mist...
luz rovira:
Peaceful afternoon
luz rovira:
L1130816 Waiting...
luz rovira:
L1130779 Enjoying the water
luz rovira:
L1130780 La voz de su amo (y la bicicleta!) / His Master's Voice (and the bike!)
luz rovira:
L1130804 Colors, light: I like colors, I need light!