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posiegirl23: Ms. @smellenora & I turned an accidental selfie (I had the lens flipped the wrong way) into an actual one. <3
posiegirl23: Now that no one can cheat, I will share the 2 cards I wrote for our Myth and Magic Quest last night! I am absurdly proud of this, you guys.
posiegirl23: In which Brooks & I fail #selfies.
posiegirl23: We <3 our jobs! And we <3 sleep, so we'll be doing that all day tomorrow.
posiegirl23: Daenerys & the royals.
posiegirl23: Hey unicorn. What's up?
posiegirl23: You guys. I got a selfie with the Mother! Of! Dragons!
posiegirl23: This is happening. #EMPMythandMagic