lukwam: Damien Hirst Spin Painting "Cut By Blue" 2002, Galerie Ernst Hilger booth at Art Miami "In a spin, the action on the world of things" @damienhirst @othercriteria @art_miami #galeriehilger #damienhirst #spinpainting #othercriteria #artmiami #ernsthilger #2
lukwam: Donuts #artmiami #donuts #art
lukwam: Jae Yong Kim - "Donut Rush" 2014 @lyonswiergallery #lyonswiergallery #jaeyongkim #donuts #art #artmiami #donutrush #crystal #glaze
lukwam: Cash for Your Warhol and Chris Stain at Swoon's Braddock Tiles booth at Select @swoonhq @cfyw @chrisstain1972 #select
lukwam: Yohei Imamura at NADA Art Fair #paint #paper #art
lukwam: Read More Books! Open Your Eyes! #read #reader #readmorebooks #oye #openyoureyes #bones #boanes #hoodrich #thereader #reader #apalazzogallery #miami #abmb #artbasel
lukwam: Susie Ganch "Pile: Starbucks on Robinson. April-December 2013 #siennapatti
lukwam: SuttonBeresCuller "Pacific Inn" at Greg Kuxera Gallery $2000 - #etch #mirror #vinylstickers #fonse #fonser #graffiti #scratchies @scribestagram
lukwam: Greg Haberny #catincatabacaru #pulse #greghaberny #art
lukwam: Adrian Esparza "Kites" #string #art #pulse #taubertcontemporary #adrianesparza
lukwam: Beat Zoderer "25 Eccentric Hours" at Taubert Contemporary #beatzoderer @pulseartfair #pulse
lukwam: Maya Hayuk at Pulse, CC Gallery Booth B18. @mayahayuk @pulseartfair #mayahayuk #pulse #miami #art
lukwam: Rafael Barrios #artmiami
lukwam: Wolfram Ulrich #artmiami
lukwam: Patrick Wilson "Extra Spicy" at Art Miami #patrickwilson #extraspicey #art #artmiami #miami
lukwam: Blue and Joy at Chill Concept booth at Art Miami @blueandjoy @tcthechillconcept #artmiami #art #miami #blueandjoy #paper #airplanes
lukwam: Pat Falco at Lot F Gallery in Miami @pat_falco @lotfgallery #miami #lotfmiami #patfalco
lukwam: ____ for your Warhol at Lot F Gallery Miami @cfyw @lotfgallery #streetart #signs #cfyw
lukwam: Norton Wisdom aka #nowisdom at Context #coagulacuratorial #wisdom #art
lukwam: Nick Gentry @ Robert Fontaine Gallery @ Context @nickgentryart @robertfontainegallery #context #floppydisks
lukwam: Greg Haberny @ Ethan Cohen NY #context @greghaberny #ethancohen @greghaberny #art
lukwam: Banksy - Art Buff #banksy #keszlergsllery #artmiami #art #streetart
lukwam: Banksy Sphinx #artmiami #banksy #keszler #art #streetart #nyc #residency #betteroutthanin
lukwam: Matt Donovan - "Red/Orange/Fade" made out of Legos! #Legos #mattdonovan #olgakorpergallery #context
lukwam: Peter Tunney "Remain Calm" and "Don't Panic" at Samuel Owen Gallery @ Context #samuelowen #petertunney #art #context
lukwam: James McNabb "City Wheel 5" at Robert Fontaine Gallery @ Context #context #robertfontaine #art
lukwam: Finished Wolf Museum piece that @notart and I helped out with. @lotfgallery #wolfmuseum #art #sculpture #wolf #iron
lukwam: Cash4 wooden cutout #graffiti #tags #sculpture #cash4 @lotfgallery #wood
lukwam: Brushing this wolf's teeth is dangerous business! #wolfmuseum #aa