Luko GR: Flooded river banks
Luko GR: Flood direction
Luko GR: Slow down Seine
Luko GR: Tree and streetlight dialogue
Luko GR: No pickup today
Luko GR: L'Arc de Triomphe wrapped
Luko GR: L'Arc de Triomphe wrapped
Luko GR: L'Arc de Triomphe wrapped
Luko GR: Home sweet home
Luko GR: Mix of buildings in XVth district
Luko GR: Paris Marathon 2021 runners
Luko GR: Flyboat and Paris Marathon 2021 runners
Luko GR: Having a sandwich on Pantheon square
Luko GR: Sainte-Genevieve cyclers
Luko GR: Cobblestone way to Pantheon
Luko GR: Latin quarter - Sorbonne area
Luko GR: Babysitter time near to Franz Liszt
Luko GR: Fire exercise at Franz Liszt square
Luko GR: Fashion is religion
Luko GR: Saint Jean de Montmartre church
Luko GR: Sacré Coeur and balloons
Luko GR: Sacré Coeur up on the hill
Luko GR: Saint-Georges square
Luko GR: Staring at Pinault Art Foundation
Luko GR: Sakura in Paris
Luko GR: Market day at St-Eustache
Luko GR: Balloons and blue skies
Luko GR: Moscow-on-the-Seine
Luko GR: Litterature
Luko GR: Home in Paris