lukexmartin: Taj Mahal Muslims
lukexmartin: One Taj minaret
lukexmartin: Taj's torrent of tourists
lukexmartin: Distance not specified
lukexmartin: Light enters
lukexmartin: Minaret detail
lukexmartin: Big stage
lukexmartin: Yamuna reflections
lukexmartin: Loops and leaves
lukexmartin: Three spires and a spout
lukexmartin: A queue surrounds
lukexmartin: Entrance gate, straight up
lukexmartin: Taj Mahal masjid
lukexmartin: Taj tower detail
lukexmartin: Two simultaneous pictures
lukexmartin: Steady stream
lukexmartin: Following the rules, Indian style
lukexmartin: Indian gothic
lukexmartin: Ancillary details
lukexmartin: Chopped top
lukexmartin: Tippy top
lukexmartin: Landed
lukexmartin: Big foot
lukexmartin: Obligatory reflection shot
lukexmartin: Tourists toward the tower
lukexmartin: Two on a bench
lukexmartin: Cold bird
lukexmartin: Hot doors
lukexmartin: Coming to the point
lukexmartin: Framed by the entrance